Glide Date and Glide DateTIme
What is Glide Date and Usage Glide Date classes will provides methods for performing operations on Glide Date objects, such as instantiating Glide Date objects or working with Glide Date fields. · These methods are used to work with date fields on form · Glide Date global oject is GlideDate Glide Date Methods Glide Date glideDate() getMonthNoTZ() getByFormat() getValue() getDayOfMonthNoTZ() getYearNoTZ() getDisplayValue() setDisplayValue() getDispalyValueInternal() setValue() Subtract() Practice with these all methods Glide Date Exercises 1. Navigate to System Definition 2. Open Scripts – Background Application 3. Write code into given space 1 . Working with GlideDate () method Creates a GlideDate object with the current date time. var d