Glide Form Practice Guide
Glide Form Practice Guide
What is Glide Form and usage (g_form)
•The Glide Form is client side API, mainly used to change default behavior of the current record
•GlideForm methods are only running on the client side (Browser).
•The global object g_form is used to access GlideForm methods.
•These methods are used to make custom changes to the form view of records. All validation of examples was done using Client Scripts.
•g_form methods frequently using in Client Scirpts
•g_form methods can use in catalog client script also
Glide Form Methods
Glide Form Methods
Practically work with these all methods
➢Navigate Incident table
➢Open one existing record
➢Click on Ctrl+Shift+jCtrl+Shift+J
➢Open Java Script Executor
➢Run our code here
1.Working with getValue () method
This method is used to get specific field value from current form.
Alert (g_form.getValue ('category')); //Alert is used to print the out put
2.Working with setValue () method
Sets the value of specific field.
alert (g_form.getValue ('category'));
g_form.setValue ('category’, ‘hardware');
3.Working with setDisabled () method
This method is used to field make Read only
g_form.setDisabled ('category’, true);
Note: UI Policy is best practice instead of using this method
4.Working with setMandatory () method
This method is used to a field make Mandatory
g_form.setMandatory ('category’, true);
Note: UI Policy is best practice instead of using this method
5.Working with setDisplay () method
This method is used to Hide and Un hide specific fields
g_form.setDisplay ('business_service', false);
Note: UI Policy is best practice instead of using this method
6. Working with setVisible () method
This method is used to Hide field and maintain the space
g_form.setVisible ('subcategory’, false);
7.Working with isMandatory () method
Defines whether the particular field is mandatory and must contain a value before the record can be saved or submitted display bullion (True/False)
g_form.isMandatory ('category');
8.Working with addInfoMessage() method
Add information message on top of the form
g_form.addInfoMessage (‘please fill all mandatory fields');
9. Working with addErrorMessage() method
Add an error message on top of the form
g_form.addErrorMessage ('Fill mandatory fields');
10. Working with disableAttchments () method
Prevents the user attachment icon being hide
g_form.disableAttachments ();
11. Working with enableAttchments () method
Allows customer file attachments to be added. Shows the paper clip icon.
g_form.enableAttachments ();
12. Working with clearMessages () method
Removes all informational and error messages from the top of the form.
g_form.addInfoMessage () and g_form.addErrorMessage ().
g_form.clearMessages ();
13. Working with addOption () method
Add a new choice to respective field depends on requirement
g_form.addOption ('priority', '6', '6 - Really Low');
14. Working with removeOption () method
Remove a choice from respective field depends on requirement.
g_form.removeOption ('impact', 4);
15. Working with clearOption () method
Removes all options from the choice list.
g_form.clearOptions ('category');
16. Working with clearValue () method
Remove value from specific field on the form
17. Working with hideRealtedLists () method
This method will hide all related lists on form
g_form.hideRelatedLists ();
18. Working with showRealtedLists () method
This method will show all related lists on form
g_form.showRelatedLists ();
19. Working with isNewRecord () method
If record is new true the record has never been saved.
g_form.isNewRecord ();
20. Working with showFieldMsg () method
This method will display Informational or Error or Warn message under the specified form field (either a control object or the name of the field). If the control or field is off the screen, the form is scrolled to the field.
The showErrorBox () method is an alternate method that does not require the type parameter.
g_form.showFieldMsg ('cmdb_ci','Atleast select one service app','info');
21. Working with hideFieldMsg () method
This method will hides the last message placed by showFieldMsg ().
When true, all messages for the field are cleared. When false, only the last message is removed.
g_form.hideFieldMsg('impact')//Only the last message is removed.
g_form.hideFieldMsg('impact', true);//When true, all msgs for the field are cleared
22. Working with hideRelatedList () method
Hides the specified related list on the form.
g_form.hideRelatedList ('incident'); //Pass related list table name
23. Working with showRelatedList () method
Hides the specified related list on the form.
g_form.showRelatedList ('incident'); //Pass related list table name
24. Working with getSections () and setSectionDisplay () method
Display an array of the form's sections, which are available.
function onChange (control, oldValue, newValue, isLoading) {
//this example was run on a form divided into sections (Change form)
// and hid a section when the "state" field was changed
var sections = g_form.getSections();
if (newValue == '2') {
g_form.setSectionDisplay(sections[1], false);
} else {
g_form.setSectionDisplay(sections[1], true);
25. Working with getTableName () method
Returns the name of the table to which this record belongs.
alert (g_form.getTableName ());
26. Working with getUniqueValue () method
It will return the sys_id of the record displayed in the form.
alert (g_form.getUniqueValue ());
27. Working with addDecoration () method
Adds an icon on a field’s label.
Adding the same item twice is prevented; however, you can add the same icon with a different title.
g_form.addDecoration ('caller_id', 'icon-star', 'Mark as Favorite', 'color-green');
28. Working with flash () method
This method is used to Flashes the specified color for a specified duration of time in the specified field.
g_form.flash (‘incident.number’, ‘#FFFACD’, 0);
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